ELITE x15, ABSOLUTE, EXCELLENT x1 BEST x5, GOOD x5, BETTER x1, NICE x3, 1st Free Jumper Horse in GHP, Beautiful Deperdita Horse, 1th Winter Horse DP 1th, 1th Deperdita Horse, 1st Hot Horse in Starlight, 1st placed of II. Only one Picture Appearance, Free Jumping In GHP 1.hely haladó kategóriában, 1.helyezett Profi kategóriában a II. Salyza kupán, 2nd placed of Dressage in Europe, 2nd placed of Appearance in Europe, 2nd in Double Dressage, 2nd on Dancing Nymph, Better in Name Appearance 2nd place, 3rd placed of IV.Only One Picture Appearance, 3rd. placed in II.Dressage Competition of Wien, 3rd placed of V. Only One Picture Appearance, 3.helyezett a Májusi Küllemversenyen a Salyza LK-ban, 3rd placed of Musical Dressage Cup, Good Dressage Horse, Better Horse in PonyIsland, Most Beautiful horse in PonyIsland, Better Dressage Horse in Europe, Best Hot Horse, Elite Hot Horse in Starlight, Nice horse in Trott, Good Professional horse, Good professional Dressage horse, Good Dressage Horse, Winner in dressage category, Best horse in Dancing Nymph, Good horse in free jumping, Elite in Aurora Lp, Absolute Winner in Winter Dressage, Best in Aurora Lp, 1st in Winter Dressage, Better free jumping stallion, The best dressage horse in PS, 1st in Paradise Stable, Best in Aurora LP, 1st in 1.Aurora Appearance, 1st on Your Chance Jumping Cup in Salyza P.S., Perfect Horse, 1st champion of I. Sakura Championship, 1st on Your Chance Dressage cup in Salyza P.S., First Dance Dressage Championship, 2nd place in "Haladó díjlovas kűr" category, Best in WLE, 1.helyezett a Tavaszváró díjlovagló versenyen profi kategóriában, Ügyes díjló, 3rd placed of Blackwood, Good Dressage horse / 2nd place, The Best Dressage horse of Paradise Stables, Absolute Winner in Scarlet Peers Open Cup in Dressage S category, 1st in Scarlet Peers Open Cup, Champion in Dressage S category, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Washington Dressage Cup,
Törzskönyvezett neve: Artemis Kortez
Apja: Athos Kortez
Anyja: Diamond Lady
Neme: Mén
Fajtája: Holsteini
Szül.dátum: 2002.04.15.
Állapota: Versenyez
Képzettsége: Díjugratás, küllem
Lóútlevele: van
Rajtengedélye: van
Tenyészengedélye: van
Pénz nyeremény:
-12,270.000 Lbp

Verseny statisztika:
1.hely: 16 db
2.hely: 8 db
3.hely: 5 db
Helyezetlen: 2 db
Gazdája: Láki

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